
WHO is Hiring Wash Officer

WHO recruitment 2024, In this article, are you looking for WHO is Hiring Wash Officer jobs opportunity in Tanzania august 2024 consider applying and read careful job summary, duties and also, Required Skills and Qualifications.

The United Republic of Tanzania has been actively responding to public health emergencies for many years. Over this time, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has received constant support and direction from the World Health Organization (WHO) about the implementation of preparedness and response plans for a range of health emergencies, including cholera. Throughout 2023, Tanzania saw multiple cholera outbreaks in different locations. As of December 31, 2023, 1,040 cases and 20 deaths (CFR = 1.9% ) had been reported from the 12 regions of Tanzania Mainland.

Twenty regions in Tanzania’s mainland have reported cholera outbreaks since January 1, 2024; of them, 3,820 cases and 65 fatalities (CFR 1.9%) have been reported. Twelve of the twenty regions declared the cholera outbreak to be over. Weak WASH conditions have been reported in some of the impacted regions via situation reports and field assessments. There is proof that enhancing WASH and IPC in healthcare facilities and the community will stop the spread of infections, safeguarding the public and healthcare personnel alike. In addition to supporting national efforts to increase preparedness and response activities for subsequent occurrences, WHO has continued to provide technical and operational support to MOH and partners in the ongoing fight against the cholera outbreak.


  • Provide technical guidance on tools and procedures for emergency rapid assessment for water, hygiene, sanitation, and waste management and infection control inventory and needs in the health facilities and communities for prevention and response to Cholera and other highly infectious diseases.
  • Identify WASH related gaps and propose remedial actions and strategies for cholera prevention and response.
  • Provide technical expertise in the adaptation and implementation of WASH guidelines and standards for readiness and response to cholera and other public health emergencies.
  • Provide technical expertise and when required, onsite support to the health partners on prioritization and implementation of WASH interventions for cholera response.
  • Provide technical guidance for the designing, rehabilitation, or construction of cholera treatment units (CTU) and to ensure that WASH, and IPC set up in the CTUs, health facilities are conducted according to WHO Standards.

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Qualifications and Requirements


  • Essential: First university degree in Environmental Health, Engineering, water resources, environmental management, or a field related to humanitarian WASH from an accredited/ recognized institution, with specialization in water and sanitation.
  • Desirable: Advanced university (Master’s level or above) in public health, water sanitation, and hygiene. Degree or training in computer applications in water and sanitation project design and related database systems.


  • At least five (5) years of relevant experience, at the national and/or international levels, in the design and implementation of water and sanitation and hygiene or related projects in emergency situations. Experience in developing and promoting collaborative actions with government authorities.

Grade: No grade
Contractual Arrangement: Special Services Agreement (SSA)
Contract Duration (Years, Months, Days): 0,3,0
Job Posting: Aug 26, 2024, 5:59:05 PM
Closing Date: Sep 10, 2024, 12:59:00 AM
Primary Location: Tanzania, United Republic of-Dodoma
Organization: AF_TZA Tanzania
Schedule: Full-time

Application Process

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