PATH Hiring Surveillance Technical Officer
PATH is a global nonprofit dedicated to achieving health equity. With more than 40 years of experience forging multisector partnerships and with expertise in science, economics, technology, advocacy, and dozens of other specialties, PATH develops and scales up innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing health challenges.
The overall objective of the five-year USAID-funded project, USAID Usalama wa Afya Duniani (Global Health Security), is to assist Tanzania in enhancing its capabilities to create, verify, and execute interventions to stop, identify, and address EID threats in Tanzania through a One Health approach.
Job Purpose:
To improve timely disease detection, reporting, and response, including outbreaks, laboratory surveillance data exchange, ensuring understanding of local microbial epidemiology, and addressing quality assurance issues, we are looking for a surveillance technical officer to support the technical and operational activities of the surveillance systems component of the USAID Usalama wa Afya Duniani project.
In order to accomplish project goals and deliverables, the role also involves participating in planning sessions, helping with data management and analysis, and carrying out other specified tasks.
Key Responsibilities:
- Build capacity for national and subnational staff for strengthening coordination mechanism on disease surveillance, strengthening and integrating epidemiological and laboratory data for early detection, reporting, and response across human, animal, and environmental health sectors
- Support the creation and operationalization of a digital platform for visualizing prioritized epidemic, zoonotic, and AMR data.
- Provide logistics and technical support for operationalization of national laboratory information management system (LIMS) sub-TWGs in human and animal health sectors and efforts to create interoperability between LIMS and electronic Integrated Diseases Surveillance and Response (e-IDSR) through HIM
- Provide logistics and technical support for adoption and operationalizing the 7-1-7 strategy based on potential risks.
- Support training and meetings to ensure the rolling out of electronic event-based surveillance (e-EBS) in selected councils for early detection, reporting, and response to health threats and increasing e-EBS uptake
- Provide logistics and technical support for the implementation of a multi-hazard public health emergency response plan and related hazard-specific plans.
- Provide logistics and technical support in strengthening multiple pathogen sentinel surveillance and early warning systems.
- Supporting the government in creating linkage between veterinary and human electronic Event-Based Surveillance (eEBS) systems at the intermediate and community level
- Support and capacitate subnational multisectoral Rapid Response Teams (RRT) for early detection, reporting, and during response activities
- Provide logistics and technical support to strengthen national and subnational emergency operating centers’ (EOC) capacities and incident management systems.
- In collaboration with MoH, provide technical support to PORALG for establishing sub-national EOCs and strengthening capacity.
- Support the collection and analysis of data for multisectoral risk communication and community engagement, including working with the Tanzania Metrological Agency (TMA) to access climate data and developing national staff capacity for climate-sensitive preparedness planning.
- Participate in joint planning sessions, provide updates on project milestones, and seek feedback to continuously improve surveillance systems and practices.
- Assist in data management and analysis, review, and interpretation of project results. Reviews deliverables for completeness, accuracy, and continuous quality improvement.
- Compile quarterly reports, submit them, and present them to the stakeholders and donors.
- Support the Surveillance Lead in the preparations and coordination of International Regulations 2005 (IHR-2005) technical working group (TWG) workshops
- Provide technical writing inputs, documentation of project activities, and support monitoring and evaluation
- Any other duty as assigned.
Qualifications and Requirements:
- Doctor of Medicine degree or bachelor’s degree or higher in a relevant discipline, Veterinary Medicine, Epidemiology, Microbiology, Lab Management, Public Health, or a related field.
- MSc. in Epidemiology, Public health, and/or microbiology will be an added advantage
- At least 5 years of experience of implementing laboratory and surveillance systems strengthening programs or a related area.
- Demonstratable knowledge of surveillance systems, protocols, outbreak investigations, laboratory policies and guidelines
- Experience in conducting training and capacity building.
- Excellent communication, interpersonal, and organizational skills.
- Ability to work collaboratively with diverse teams
PATH is dedicated to building an inclusive workforce where diversity is valued.
PATH is an equal opportunity employer. Every qualified applicant will be considered for employment.